we value enthusiasm.
It’s curiosity that drives us to learn everything we can about our clients and their business. With relentless passion, Symmetri Technology stays engaged and focused on your goals. Innovative? Of course. Yet we never forget the valuable lessons that experience has given us.
we go beyond web development.
Our world-class digital development team provides comprehensive web strategy, design, and support for any brand experience—no matter how large or complex. And if your business needs additional help, Symmetri Marketing is ready to offer marketing and brand development services that include content creation, social media, digital marketing, and more. Whether it’s in Detroit, Chicago, or Los Angeles, the people at Symmetri are building brave new worlds for businesses just like yours. Let’s get started.
meet our personnel-ities.

Everyone who joins Symmetri discovers on day one that Carl is a passionate guy. You can’t miss his drive, whether he’s cheering on the Michigan Wolverines or his own Symmetri team. Showing photos of his grandchildren or showing a new branding plan to a client. Singing in his choral group or singing out in the office halls, “Make it happen! Move the mouse!” Whatever the pursuit, the important thing is to go all in, all the way. Carl’s passion is infectious, and we’ve all caught it. That’s why we love delivering our best under his remarkable leadership.

A senior Drupal and front-end developer with 10 years of experience, Geraldo is both the smart and fun guy in the room. He's lived in Michigan his whole life, developing his passion for web development and today's latest technologies. Geraldo received an Associates Degree of Applied Science from the ITT Technical Institute.

Her favorite “place” is water, with Big Ten and national championships in water polo, although she also seems to enjoy bike saddles and running shoes as a competitive triathlete. When not on the move, she loves teaching her toddler American Sign Language, eliciting an amazing ability to communicate even before little Avery began using verbal language. What does all that have to do with Krista’s role as Account Director? She immerses herself in every challenge. She goes all out to the finish line. And she’ll do whatever it takes to understand and respond to your needs.

Mark is a designer’s designer. His big-picture concepting and attention to every detail of execution influences virtually everything we create – whether or not he personally touched it. That’s because he’s also a mentor’s mentor. Count on Mark to ask the tough questions that get you thinking deeply about the project’s true aspirations. And your own. If your art and copy can work harder to uncover needs, deliver answers and inspire action, Mark will help you find the way.

For Phill, simplifying the online process is the easiest part of his life. Offline can be a little trickier, but just as rewarding. His day usually starts with his son waking him up around 5:00 a.m., and it ends after various trips to school clubs, church events, and sports activities. There isn’t much that Phill doesn’t do, except maybe sleep. But he’s ok with that, because he knows that raising a strong family will have a far-reaching impact. Even his hair has had an impact—he’s grown it out and donated it three times to charity.

If Woody Allen, W. H. Auden, Kanye West, and David Hasselhoff met in a bar, Shane would invite them to join his book club in classic Rushmore style. Raised as an only child with never enough Legos, educated as a misplaced engineer, and finding his own in digital media, he’s as surprised as anyone at landing on a marketing career. Shane wages campaigns with the mantra, “Real artists ship,” constantly calling the publish button in his work. A Finnish lumberjack at heart, he’s always planning an escape into the woods of distant lands.

Tom fell in love with the written word around the same time he started wrecking things to see how they work. Fortunately, he now limits himself to taking words apart – then throwing out the ones that aren’t working and putting the rest back together better than before. But he never lost his fascination for structure, tools and technology. That’s why he sees B2B marketing as a perfect fit. He gets to explore what engineers and other brilliant people do – then put words to work to help them do it better. All without breaking anything.