A quick browse around some of the manufacturing websites around the Internet reveals that few consider themselves to be digital marketers, though all of them actually are. Any business with a website is automatically entered into the ranks of digital marketers, and that should mean every business today! Most rely on basic staple web design templates, readily available at all of the web hosting services around today. Few are responsive, meaning that they can tailor an experience to users based on the device they use to access the site (such as a smartphone versus tablet versus desktop computer).
A custom manufacturing website should feature a responsive design so that the site looks good no matter what device size or platform the visitor uses to view it.
Best Manufacturing Websites
But a few manufacturers are rocking out this whole website development and digital marketing thing. Here are the Crème de la Crème when it comes to manufacturing business websites.
1. Sonix
Sonix is a company specializing in defect detection and process productivity products for semiconductor manufacturers. The Sonix website features a sleek, clean design that incorporates both descriptive and high-quality pictures with beautifully to-the-point text, which combine for ultra-easy navigation to whatever section of the site that most interests the viewer. It incorporates just enough color to be interesting and maintains a classy feel with low contrast. The Sonix website is a product of Symmetri Marketing.
2. Napoleon Grills
Everything you could possibly want to know about this grill and grill accessory manufacturer is readily available on their homepage. It features clear navigation and a full and interesting set of descriptions, somehow while still managing to remain uncluttered. All of their contact and social connection info is right there on the homepage, and the pictures make you wish you were in the backyard firing up your Napoleon grill right now.
3. Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric manages to maintain a clean and simple website design, while still placing everything you could possibly want to know right at your fingertips. The homepage offers neat and tidy navigation based on who you are (a customer, investor, or potential job applicant), what you're shopping for (oil and gas products, mining products, water products, etc.), or the exact products you might want (controllers, motion and drives, automation and control, etc.). The playful green and blue colors are modern, yet not stiff -- interesting, yet not distracting -- a win-win for modern website development.
Better looking, well-written websites tend to rank better in search engine results, like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
4. Kaber Technology
Featuring attractive, full-screen photos and short but descriptive copy, Kaber Technology makes looking for what you want actually fun. A simple scrolling homepage allows you to easily navigate to the section or product you're searching for. Each product is described neatly and briefly, and the high-contrast coloring of the site is eye-catching and interesting.
5. Bechtel Rail
In manufacturing, it's often hard to tell your story and talk about your products and services using mere text. Often, show is far better than tell where website development is concerned. When it comes to showing, Bechtel Rail nails it with high-quality, visually appealing videos. The videos explain everything you need to know to make a decision about whether or not to choose Betchel Rail, and if their website is any indication of how seriously they take their work -- we hope you do! Get the manufacturing website development help you need today to take your website to the next level. Commercial Progression has a full portfolio of manufacturing website designs with the experience to incorperate deep website integrations with existing ERP, CRM, and PLM systems.