If your company relies on open source technology, chances are you are busy taking care of business and do not have time to keep up with every open source security release. Launching the next marketing campaign and fulfilling customer orders are on the top of your priority list, as they should be!
If you are running Drupal as the CMS for your website, then you are using one of the most popular open source platforms for building your business online. This popularity comes with many advantages; large user group community, well documented implementation scenarios, and excellent support options.
With these open knowledge advantages there are also some liabilities. When a core update is made to Drupal that addresses a security issue, this knowledge becomes available immediately to the global community. Vulnerabilities in an open source project are picked up by the good guys and the bad guys alike.
Did you hear about the “XML Quadratic Blowup Attack” or the more recent “Shellshock Exploit”? Well, we did… and we took care of them right away, but these are the type of security events that can easily slip under the radar if you are not tracking Drupal update releases.
At Commercial Progression, your business is our top priority and Drupal is our core expertise. We are Drupal PRO-fessionals and we are committed to an ACTIVE engagement with the open source world. That gives us a PRO-ACTIVE stance as we care for your business online. We stay on top of all the open source news related to Drupal because it is our core business. It is exactly this focus that led us to develop a whole new service for businesses using Drupal as their CMS.
DrupalCare by Commercial Progression is a new service founded on our commitment to proactively do for our customers what we do with Drupal every day.
Audit | Update | Monitor | Respond | Report | Progress
It just made sense for us to formalize this into a standardized support model. DrupalCare by Commercial Progression has support plans to accommodate any size business.
If Drupal is not your core business, then we can help you sleep sounder by proactively monitoring your website for you.
As part of the DrupalCare launch we are also including a FREE hosting plan until the end of October. A good portion of Drupal security depends on your hosting environment and we believe this is the best way to completely cover you.
Start sleeping better tonight! Let our team monitor, protect and maintain your website.