Installing the Google Analytics tracking codes is only step one. We work with your GA account to ensure that it is tracking and reporting meaningful information on your website traffic. Understanding which pages are receiving the most traffic and from which sources will be important information in your ongoing marketing efforts. Making sure that your GA account is properly connected to Google AdWords and other services is essential to the success of digital marketing campaigns. We will ensure your tracking and analytics package is configured correctly before your website is launched.


The Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, delivers valuable information about your websites health and search performance. Making sure you have properly submitted a sitemap will will review indexing issues for quick resolution. In an age of secure search, having the Search Console properly configured will reveal which organic search terms are generating traffic to your website.


Seeing is believing, and having a heatmap tracking system like Hotjar installed on your website will reveal which items on your high priority pages are getting mouse attention. Answering iterative design questions can be a challenge without real information to guide the revision process. Heatmaps reveal which visual areas of your site pages are getting attention and which ones should be optimized.


Do you ever wish you could see exactly how your website visitors navigate your site and pages? Well you can, with tools like Hotjar, it is possible to track and record the total user interaction with your website pages. Watch in real time how your designs are met by real users. This information can reveal important oversights in design, making your revision process much more efficient and effective.


Converting website traffic into customers is often the goal of website design. Tracking this information is crucial to knowing the actual success of website designs and marketing campaigns. We work with your marketing goals to establish a trackable conversion funnel overlaid on your website design and architecture.